Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July 2009

daddy's little sparkler

just chillin' watching the fire works

Alivia's new thing...

Alivia LOVES the outdoors and always, always asks to go outside... since we don't have an outside in our condo, we let her go out to our balcony, mostly she just sits here on the step and asks either me or daddy to sit with her...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

good memories

learning to eat all by herself

Talking to Grandfather on the phone!


cute girl in cute jammies

picture book-her favorite picture is the tractor

reding in her chair

just playing around!

this is awesome.. Livi loves this picture of us on our wedding day and she'll hold it and point and say mommy, daddy.. and sometimes she'll even kiss us... makes you try even more to fight for a good marriage every day! Thank God for these precious reminders of how important family is!

Alivia's new chair!

We had to get her a rocking chair just like her daddy's.. she loves it!
I just love this one...
daddy and daughter relaxing in their chairs... aahhh
how much more relaxed can a girl get?

reading in the recliner

Sunday nights at nanas and papa's house!

playing at Nana's and Papa's house...
dusting off those hands after getting in the dirt.

don't mind the winter coat picture, trying to show off Alivia in her Sunday best.